This ancient art of healing involves the painless insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific points to achieve a therapeutic effect in the treatment of a wide variety of health conditions. Acupuncture works with the natural systems of the body to promote its ability to heal itself and can benefit a wide variety of health issues. Conditions frequently seen in clinic include pain, joint issues, musculoskeletal injury, migraine, depression, anxiety, insomnia, infertility and women’s health, immune support, digestive health, nausea, cardiovascular disease, addiction recovery, and neurological issues like Parkinson’s or stroke recovery. A registered acupuncturist undergoes thorough training on the…
Cupping and Guasha
Cupping is an ancient technique used to relieve stagnation in muscle and other areas of the body. Glass cups are used to create suction, either moving along the muscle with oil or staying in place. In modern times it is often referred to as myofascial decompression as it can alleviate tension and move blood in tight fascia or muscle. This often has an immediate effect on reducing tension, restoring muscle function, and relieving pain. It can also be used for internal medicine and is especially suited in helping with symptoms of the common cold. Guasha has a similar effect to…
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine has always been an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Healing substances have been recorded in medical texts and prescribed in formulas for thousands of years, each generation improving the art with their recorded clinical experience. More recently, modern medicine has started to recognize the enormous therapeutic benefits of herbs. In his practice, Falko uses herbal granules, tablets, as well as raw herbs as needed for either internal medicine or external applications such as poultices and liniments. What makes Chinese herbal medicine unique is the depth of the recorded knowledge behind it, using the wisdom…
Tuina Massage
Chinese manual therapy is an effective method of treatment for both pain management and the treatment of disease. It can be used as a stand-alone treatment to provide a needle-free alternative to acupuncture, or used in addition to acupuncture or cupping. Tuina integrates acupressure on specific points as well as rolling, pressing, and other massage techniques to release areas of tension, improve circulation, and restore muscle balance. It can also be used like acupuncture for treating internal or underlying health conditions, whether musculoskeletal or internal.
Lifestyle Consulting
Consultation to discuss holistic wellness from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective. An assessment will be made of what underlying imbalances or constitutional patterns are present based on traditional methods of inquiry and hands on diagnosis. Clients will be given a health plan according to their individual body pattern, including lifestyle factors, diet, and therapeutic exercise as well as a personalised treatment plan or herbal medicine prescription if needed. Whether treating a disease or cultiving longevity for disease prevention, the wisdom and experience of Chinese medicine can bring valuable insights into health.
Therapeutic Exercise
Coaching in therapeutic exercises based on the restorative movements in Chinese internal and martial arts. Movements are done in proper skeletal alignment and without tension, allowing for relaxation of muscles and development of circulation through the connective layers of the body. This allows vital energy and physical substances like blood and body fluids such as lymph or interstitial fluid to flow more evenly through the body. Proper breathing also strengthens the body and relaxes the nervous system. All movements in the form are gentle, avoiding impact or strain on the body while still active enough to develop strength, flexibility, and…